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1 am,is was 2 arewere 3 击败敲打beatbeat 4 成为变成becomebecame 5 开始beginbegan 6 吹刮blowblew 7 折断打破breakbroke 8 带来bringbrought 9;foresee预见 foretell预示 forecast vt1 预测,预报+that+whThe teacher forecast that twenty of his pupils would pass the examination老师预测他有二十名学生能通过考试2 预示预言 Such events may。

foresee预见 , 一般是先前你就看到会有那样的结果,结果果不其然就是你想的那样,说明很有先见,forecast 一般是预报的意思,就是实现通报出来,predict语言的意思;foresee先见,预知forecast预报,先兆predict预言,预测。

foresee预见 ,一般是先前你就看到会有那样的结果,结果果不其然就是你想的那样,说明很有先见,forecast 一般是预报的意思,就是实现通报出来,predict语言的意思。

forecast forecast


2、forecast是预报,天气预报之类的 foresee是预知,预见,先知 foretell是预言,预告。

3、forecast forecast, forecasted forecast, forecasted fordo fordid fordone forego forewent foregone foreknow foreknew foreknown forerun foreran forerun foresee foresaw foreseen foreshow foreshowed foreshown foretell foretold foretold。

4、过去式一般是直接在单词的后面加 ed ,以e结尾的单词加d,以Y结尾的单词,变 Y 为 I 加 ED,但是以Y结尾的单词,倒数第2个字母是元音字母A E I O U的,直接加 ED现在进行式 直接加ing,以 E 为结尾的,去。


foreseen是foresee的过去分词形式,foresee的不同表现形式是过去式foresaw 过去分词foreseen 第三人称单数foresees 现在分词foreseeing 在我们日常应用时候,我们经常会把foreseeforetellforecast混淆,难以区分。

forecast forecast, forecasted forecast, forecasted foresee foresaw foreseen foretell foretold foretold forget forgot forgotten forgive forgave forgiven forsake forsook forsaken freeze froze frozen get got got gotten give。

No one can foresee what will happen in the future谁也无法预见到将来会发生什么 forecast 及物动词 vt1预言, 预报,预测 Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately现在科学家们能准确地预报天气She。

foresee近义词forecast, foretell, predict, foresee foresee近义词辨析这些动词均含quot预言,预示,预告quot之意forecast 指对未来事件的预报推测或设想,侧重最终可能出现的结果foretell 一般的通俗用语,往往指根据客观因素。


前缀fore,汉语意思是“先前的”“在前面的”,它可以加在某些动词和名词前面如foresee预知,预见foretell预言 forecast预见,预测forecourt前院,篮球前场球forehead前额,任何事物的前部foreground前景,最显著。

flung fly flew flown fly fled fled fly flied flied forbear forbore forborne forbid forbade, forbad forbidden forecast forecast, forecasted forecast, forecasted fordo fordid fordone forego forewent foregone。




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