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[astronomer'swife分析]astronomer's wife人物分析


The astronomer#39s wife rushed to put on a white and red and white coat, buttoned to the immediate collar, locked up inside She carefully around the hall full of stagnant water drips quotLet him go upstairs,quot she sa。

astronomerpriests 天文学家加教士 在中古的西方,有些宗教教士同时也是天文学家所以这里用天文学家教士。

推荐使用Environmental Visual Enhancements和Astronomer#39s Visual Pack 第一个是云层和城市灯光,第二个是环境优化有极光 体积云 火星沙尘暴等。

39 I am green in spring and yellow in autumn Birds like me and people like me What am I ?40 Chicken grows from it What is it?41 It’s very small in the sky, but it’s actually very。

[astronomer'swife分析]astronomer's wife人物分析

It#39s nice not to see you again31 What wears a cap but has no head?A bottle32 What rises in the morning and waves all day?A flag33 What is an astronomer?天文学家?A night watchman with。

原因有三1也不是neither 2neither开头用倒装语序 3从句是一般现在时,但是动作还未发生,主句应用一般将来时。

美国作家kay boyle天文学家的妻子中英原文这里就是Astronomer#39s Wife 天文学家的妻子 by Kay Boyle19031992当万籁俱寂,生命尚未复苏时,醒来那一刻是令人不悦的可此时的女人们,不得不在朦胧中独自开启她。


12 What#39s the poorest bank in the world? 世界的最贫穷的银行是什么13 What month do soldiers hate?军人憎恨什么月答案1 Silence 沉默2 No, they won’t They lie still after they die。

[astronomer'swife分析]astronomer's wife人物分析



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