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1、重新加入组群即可群课堂显示this group does not exist是该组群不存在的意思,一般都是群连接过期导致的,点击最新的群连接进入即可。

2、对不起,您没有申请VPMN业务,不允许呼叫此号码Sorry, this number is accessible only to VPMN subscriber!对不起,被叫没有权限接听您的呼叫,再见Sorry,the called party does not have the right to receive your call,good bye!对不。

3、0, 2在一台上开机进行下面操作开始运行gpeditmsc计算机配置windows设置安全设置本地策略用户权利指派把quot从网络访问此计算机quot添加guest或everyone,同时把quot。

4、This group is do boring, I decide to quit right now这组实在是太无聊了,我决定立刻退出。

5、They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas Of course, only a small percentage of people own。

6、for many people, even better If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going活用英文乐趣多 活用英文乐趣多 你需要常常和英语教师以外的人士用英语交谈。

7、是你的tomcat配置了认证,去掉就可以了 或者说是你的web服务器。


9、not be kept where it is accessible to children药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方3易受影响的,易感受的+toHe is not accessible to pity他不大有同情心4易被理解的受到赞赏的 Those are his most acc。

10、and in 2003 we supported the invasion of Iraq For individuals, like publications, errors are painfulparticularly now, when the digital evidence of failure is both accessible and indelible But they are also。

11、guestbooks or any public accessible way, is forbidden and if that is done, appropriate measures will be made Please report suspicious transfers by using the support menu or emailing support directly, not in g。

12、This textbook is accessible by all of teachers一般的旅客均可以参观人民大会堂accessibleThe Great Hall of the People is accessible for usual travelers先生很抱歉,你要的尺寸没有availableSorry sir, the。

13、你好 很高兴为你解答 答案是D盘不可访问满意请采纳,谢谢。


14、ible结尾的形容词有accessiblehorribleflexiblepossibleterrible等1accessible 可到达的,可接受的1The manager#39s office is not accessible now目前无法访问经理办公室2The countryside within five。





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